I bought a new fishie today! :)
Lisette and I went to the petstore to buy new fishfood. The fishfood went unfrozen because the fridge was broken. So we had to buy new one for the fish.
They had these aweeesome new goldfishes at the store. A whole lot of new ranchu's and even bubble eyes!
I fell in love with the bubble eyes and one ranchu. I was a complete sucker for it's cuteness, so we ended up buying him. >.< His name is Shiro Maguro. :) He's completely white with half orange eyes. and the end of his pelvic fins are black and the end of his caudal tail is orange. :) It's so cute.
Crappy photo of Shiro Maguro. He was still shy and staying in the back. He loves the other ranchu Sambal in my tank. They're both the same size. It's lovely to see them together. :) ^k.
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