Goldfish fry day 5 14.02.2013

The fry are still 5-7mm but they seem to have become a bit fatter. It's hard to say tough. We started to feed them liquid smashed sieved peas next to the liquid egg yolk. XD They like it! We put two drops of peas in the water and two drops of egg yolk. :) They eat good.
We fed them again around 09:00 12:00 18:00 21:00 24:00 5 times. Because we both had college. >.<

I did a 80% waterchange around 16:30. Cleaned the bottom of the tank a bit with a sponge. So much work because you have to wait till all those little fellows are somewhere else. -___- but look a lots bettter.

Water tempereature is still 22C/70.5F. Water height 15cm/5.9inch. Java fern also still in the tank. We put on the light around 09:00 till 20:00 everyday. Like a normal sunnyday :P
We also still have the Internal Superfish Aquaflow 50 filter 150L/H surrounded with cleaning sponges. We still have the sponges around the cardridge. Also around the spray bar to decrease the water stream. 

One dead fry today. The rest seem to be doing well.

(Photo by Fishpanda day 5)

I just keep on illustrating with the photos of  FishPanda because her photos
are so awesome! And I do not have this enough mm lens for my Canon unfortunatly.
They just have to grow big fast. :P


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