Goldfish fry day 1

The goldfish fry hatched yesterday and today!  

Half of the eggs hatched yesterday afternoon. The rest of the eggs hachted later that night and middle of the night or this morning. (Took a total of 5 days to hatch). We don't know. We haven't seen it. We woke up with I think 50 extra fry. We counted 30 or something yesterday. To total of 80 goldfish fry? I think... rewind: after replacing them, we counted 175. (maybe plus 5)

Fry after 1 hour looks something like this: (Photo by FishPanda)

The fry are hanging on the watersurface, sometimes moving a bit.
We've read that they stick to their egg the first day, eating it. But they don't seem to be doing that. :S I think they're resting on the watersurface.
We've put some liquid egg yolk in the water but they didn't seem to eat yet. We're going to start trying again when they are starting to swim around. 

We've put the fry in a washing-up bowl with 5-10cm of water. 20celsius again. with some fluviatilis plants and a tiger lotus. The small tank was a mess. Wasn't very handy to change water and clean it either. We removed the filter friday. So they couldn't get sucked up >.<

We also bought some frozen cyclops spec. Food for when they're a week old. They guy at the aquarium shop said he always fed it to small fish fry. So... see if they want to eat that after one week. 


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